Vaccines Are Dangerous - A Warning To The Global Community

Vaccines Are Dangerous - A Warning To The Global Community
On sale for only $24.99. All copies will be autographed and dated by the author.


Trailer For The Harlem AIDS Forum 2 DVD

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Whistleblower Exposes The HPV Vaccine Industry, Alex Jones
Bill Gates on GM foods, vaccines and Monsanto NWO Puppet In this interview, Bill Gates talks about vaccines and reducing population growth. He also goes on and on about all of the supposed benefits of vaccines. One has to wonder whether Bill Gates has even read one of the numerous books critical of vaccines. Has he read one article critical of vaccines? Has he read anything about the countless adverse reactions caused by vaccines including death? Has he read anything about the dramatic failure rates of vaccines? Has he read anything about the dramatic decline of diseases BEFORE the respective vaccines came on the market? Bill Gates is brilliant; he's a master researcher and he has unlimited resources at his finger tips. Therefore, how could Bill Gates not be aware of all of the critical information against vaccines?

Paralysis Cases Spike in Wake of Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccination Effort in India

How safe are the vaccines supported by the Gates Foundation? Why does Bill Gates talk about vaccines in the context of reducing the world's population? Since the vast majority of the world's natural resources are consumed by industrialized western countries, why is Bill Gates focused on reducing the population in poor so called Third World countries?